Public Space Internet

Internet connexion on your laptop or on T.I.S. 'computers

Many solutions


· Casual connexion : 2.5 € per hour

· Subscription for a stay of up to one month : 13 €

· Subscription for a year :

 - Adults : 32 €

 - Children - 12 ans : 11 €

 - Family : 42 € (allows access to children of the couple up to 16 years)

 - Association : 32 €


The subscriptions allow to use computers stations and their Internet connection 1 h per day. In addition, these subscriptions permit to participate in the workshops proposed by animators.


Possibility to connect in wifi Cigale when the office is closed.


Basic initiation workshops

· Begin to use computer and the Internet

· Word processing software (Word, Open Office)

· Spreadsheet software (Excel, Open Office Calc)

· Logiciel de présentation (Power point)

· Email inbox

· Skype, to phone from a computer to another one.

Theme workshops :

· Social networks (Facebook, Twitter ...)

· Digital photo running

· Photo Album Creation on computer

· Development of travel itinerary

· Genealogy Software and searches

· Collaborative tools (shared calendar, online file, storage and sharing software, survey and event date planning online).

· For children (Serious Games, Internet awareness)

Technical support for:

· Online administrative procedures
· Getting started with mobile phone, smart phone, tablet ...
· Creation of personal accounts on Internet sites (Leboncoin, Marmiton, Youtube, Amazon ...)
· GPS Update

Communication :

· Consulting and / or accompaniment for the creation of your communication media (business cards, flyers, pamphlets, posters, etc ...) on request.
· Assistance for creation of Internet site package of 300 € for 10 hours. The annual cost for hosting the Website shall be borne by the customer.

Prices for workshop :

To participate in workshops you must have a subsctiption for a year. 


· 1 hour of child workshop: 4 €

· 1 hour of adult workshop, introduction to the computer tool: 8 €

· 1 hour of adult workshop, introduction to a specific software (Ex: Excel, Word, Picasa, etc ...): 15 €


First hour is free!

Possibility of training on request for a group of people on estimate.

Other services

Photocopy, digital printing A4 black / white => 0.20 €
Photocopy, digital printing A4 color => 0.80 €
Photocopy, digital printing A3 black / white => 0.40 €
Photocopy, digital printing A3 color => 1.50 €
Plastification of document A4 => 1 €

Our partners

Club Informatique de Saillans :

EPI-Centre Crest :

EPI Valdec'Quint :

Maison de Services au Public du Diois :

Aventic :

LILO Loriol :

Plus d'informations


Tourisme Info Services Vallée de la Roanne, 30 rue de la Poste, 26340 Saint-Nazaire-le-Désert


Tél  T.I.S. : 04 75 26 49 11

Tél Agence Postale : 04 75 26 62 15


Devenez membre de notre association ! Adhésion annuelle de 12 € pour par personne (5 € par enfant)

1/2 tarif pour les personnes touchant le minima

Mis à jour le 18/06/2024